Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My husbands grandma passed away two weeks ago. Although she will be greatly missed, it was a good opportunity to see all the family. Jason's brother and his family flew in from Michigan and his cousin from Kentucky. I wish we could have spent more time visiting though.
Her funeral was this last weekend. It was amazing to me that I knew her, but I didn't really know her. As each person stood and told about their memories of her I saw a different side of her that I wish I'd been able to know. I started to regret that I never made more of an effort to get to know the woman they were talking about. Her and I would talk at gatherings but it was always your typical chit-chat.
It made me start to think about my grandma. I only have one grandma left. I've always felt extremely close to her. But I started to wonder, how many stories will I be surprised about hearing at her funeral (heaven forbid)? I've now set a goal to truly know the people that are meaningful in my life. So hopefully when their time comes I won't look back with regrets. Instead maybe I'll be telling the stories that no one knew.